Saturday, November 21, 2009

To Query?

One thing that Writer's Market and other publications will tell you about publishers is whether or not they accept unsolicited submissions. If they do, it's not necessary to submit a query letter first.

I hate opening an envelope to see that someone wanted to know if it's okay to submit their work--eight, nine months ago. I try to catch these guys coming in (I open the really skinny ones), but all too often they get thrown on the slushpile.

And please, god, read the submission guidelines. Call and ask if you can't find them. If a publishing house accepts unsolicited submissions, guidelines exist for them. Don't query us to see if it'd be worth it to send us your work. You can find that out for yourself long before you'll hear back from us. If you do.

First Page/Query Clinic

Hi, Reddit.

All right kids, anyone who'd like a quick review of their first page, query, or cover letter can email it to me, and it'll get reviewed here. Please change any identifying details you don't want people to read.

I'll tell you what I'd think of it as a slush reader. Even if you're trying your best to get an agent and avoid the slushpile, keep in mind:

Agents get slush too. And it's even more horrendous that what publishers see.